What is My Tri-C SMART (Argos)? SMART is an acronym that stands for Systemwide Metrics for Action, Reporting and Tracking. It is the College-wide business intelligence system and provides the ability to create reports and dashboards with data from Banner and linked third party data sources (ex. Blackboard, SciQuest, PeopleAdmin).
My Tri-C SMART has truly transformed the way we look at the College and consequently, decisions we make to improve all aspects of delivering a high quality and affordable education to our students. We now have up-to-the minute information, as well as historical data, in an easily accessible format. With My Tri-C SMART, we can quickly find the most relevant information and spend more time on analyzing that data. We also have access to all sources of relevant data, which enhances the decisions we make. Being able to see the entire universe of facts, information and statistics helps the College make even better, informed decisions. The College is now more agile and can react more quickly to changes in our environment, such as enrollment fluctuations, funding changes and community partnerships.