
ITS Service Catalog

my Tri-C space

Every student, faculty and staff member has access to my Tri-C space, which is the College's portal for information.  It gives you 24x7 access to general information, news and events, and campus services. The information that appears in the portal is based on your role(s) at the College (student, faculty, or staff). The portal displays content through cards, which are topic-specific and provide convenient access to information. You can also see your information on file with the College (Financial Aid information, Benefit information, etc.).

If the information in cards needs to be updated, or if new cards need to be developed, faculty and staff may submit a Banner Service Request and the ERP staff will assist.

Is there a search feature in my Tri-C space?

Yes, the upgraded version of my Tri-C space, which launched on October 14, 2021, has a search feature.


At a Glance


  • Students, Faculty & Staff