
ITS Service Catalog

Creating a Webex Meeting in Outlook

The easiest way for most faculty and staff to create a new Webex meeting is through Outlook on a College-managed Windows computer, which can integrate with Webex.

Creating a Webex Meeting in Webex

You may also create Webex meetings through our Webex portal at  Please visit Schedule a Webex Meeting for more options.

Hosting a Webex Meeting

If you are the meeting host, it is important to sign in to Webex to start the meeting.

Delegates with Webex

Sometimes it is helpful to assign another person the ability to schedule meetings on your behalf.  This can be done through Outlook with Webex integration.  Please read our quick-start document for assigning a delegate.

Personal Meeting Room

One more great option for quick meetings or virtual office hours is the Personal Meeting Room, which is always ready for you and attendees.

A Personal Meeting Room is an always-on "reservationless" meeting that does not require any scheduling where the meeting link and meeting number are always the same. This is an optional additional feature most suited for those who aren’t frequent meeting organizers and are looking for maximum flexibility. The meeting URL would always be, for example, with your individual S#. The caveats with this method are the host is required to login to start the meeting, and if you have back-to-back meetings and the first runs over everyone will join same room.

For additional help with Personal Meetings Rooms, please see the Meeting Center FAQ from Webex.

At a Glance


  • Faculty and Staff