
ITS Service Catalog

Employee Network Logins

Employee Network Logins are provided for faculty, staff, and some temporary employees.  Employee logins grant access to College computers, my Tri-C space, email, storage, wireless networks, and many other resources.

Password rules:

  • Must not be a password you previously used
  • Password may be changed after 7 days
  • Password must be 8 or more characters
  • Password must contain 3 of the 4 character types (uppercase, lowercase, number, symbol)
  • Must not use common/weak passwords and password roots (words associated with Tri-C):
    • “P@ssword1”, Qwertyuiop1!”, “Stomp”, ”Fall”, “Metro”, and similarly common conventions or patterns will not be allowed

Review the tips for Personal Password Management from Tri-C's Office of Safe and Secure Computing.

Account Lockout Policy:

Five invalid login attempts within 15 minutes will lock your my Tri-C space account for a duration of 60 minutes.  Call the Help Desk at 216-987-4357 to have your account enabled. 

Change your password:

You can change your my Tri-C space  password by clicking the Change Your Password link on the login page.  It must be at least 10 days since you last changed your password. 

What is my computer username?

Your computer username, also known as the network login, is usually the first character of your first name, plus the first six characters of your last name.  If this does not work, you can sign in to a College computer with your email address as the username.  To see your assign network login username, click on the Windows button after logging into a College computer, type “account”, and click on Manage Your Account.  Your network login username is the part after “CCC_NETWORK\”.


Why am I prompted for a personal email address when I login to my Tri-C space ?

If you need to reset your password to my Tri-C space, the personal email address provides a secure address to send the password reset information to. It also identifies you as an authentic user.

When will the Help Desk ask me for personal information?

When resetting your password, to verify your identity, you will be asked:

  • Your date of birth
  • The last four digits of your social security number
  • An additional two security questions. They may ask for your address, phone number, emergency contact information, or the bank where your paychecks are deposited if you are an employee. (Do not be alarmed by the banking question. The Help Desk does not have access to your account information. The only information available to them is the name of the banking institution.)


At a Glance


  • Faculty, staff, and some temporary employees